Battle Robots - Half Day March Break Camp

Registration for Battle Robots - Half Day March Break Camp
285.00 285.0 CAD
# of Kids

Early Bird Promotion (5% discount) is included in the price above. For limited time only.

Regular Price:  $339.00 

Price is inclusive of 13% HST.


Welcome to Robothink Northwest Toronto March Break Camp! In the Battle Robots camp, students will have the opportunity to build a variety of different robots and even create their own to battle or race with! Kids will have a blast exploring the world of robotic technologies as they imagine, build, learn and play. For ages 5-12.


RoboThink is a step-by-step international learning program. All levels accepted. New projects on each cycle. Our exciting STEM programs develop core STEM skills that students apply to school subjects and their future careers, while fostering a love for science and robotics. With RoboThink’s exclusive robotics kit and our STEAM curriculum that is NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) aligned, students have a blast learning about robotics, engineering, technology and other STEM subjects.



Tansley Woods Branch Library

1996 Itabashi Way, Burlington, ON L7M 4J8 



March 13 – 17, 2023 

Monday to Friday from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon (Morning Session Only)



(You will acknowledge understanding of the following agreements during registration):


ROBOTHINK PHOTO RELEASE AGREEMENT - You will be able to accept or deny to this release during registration


I acknowledge that while my child is attending this RoboThink program, he/she may be photographed by a still or video camera. I authorize RoboThink Nortwest Toronto (Innotech Robotics Inc.) to utilize my child’s photographic image without identification in its brochures and advertisements in any media, including RoboThink’s website. In giving my consent, I hereby release and hold harmless RoboThink and its agents from any and all responsibility or liability relating to the use of the photographs. I understand that neither my child nor I will receive compensation should any photograph authorized hereunder be used.




Cancellations received at least one week prior to the date of the first class will receive a full refund of the registration fee. Cancellations received after this date, but prior to the second class, will receive a refund, minus a $30 cancellation fee. There are no refunds for cancellations after the second class of the program. There are no refunds or make-ups for missed classes. If a class is cancelled due to weather or other events, the class will be rescheduled.




Phone: 647-255-9651




Battle Robots - Half Day March Break Camp (2023-03-13 - 2023-03-17)
Date & Time

March 13, 2023

Start - 9:00 AM Friday

March 17, 2023

End - 12:00 PM Canada/Eastern

RoboThink Northwest Toronto

Suite 300 & 306
5500 North Service Road
Burlington ON L7L 6W6 Canada
+1 647-255-9651
Get the direction

RoboThink NW Toronto

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